Product Overview Manley Performance 11190-12 Manley Nissan GT-R 3.8L (VR38DETT) DOHC 37.15mm Race Master Intaket Valves (Set of 24)
Manley Performance Manley Performance 11193-12 Manley Nissan GT-R 3.8L (VR38DETT) DOHC 32.15mm Extreme Duty Exhaust Valves (Set of 24)
Manley Performance Manley Performance 11149-12 Manley Nissan 3.5L V6 (VQ35DE VQ35DET) DOHC 24 Exhuast 31.5mm Stainless Race Master Valves
Manley Performance Manley Performance 11153-12 Manley Nissan 3.5L V6 (VQ35DE VQ35DET) DOHC 24 Exhuast 32.5mm Stainless Race Master Valves
Manley Performance Manley Performance 11152-12 Manley Nissan 3.5L V6 (VQ35DE VQ35DET) DOHC 24 Intake 38mm Stainless Race Master Valves